Master Your Mornings

Advice from the EBOOST Fit Pros at Our Solace NYC Event

The JETSWEAT team had an awesome opportunity to attend a very fun, challenging EBOOST Fit Pros event at Solace last week. It marked one of the biggest highlights of this exciting season back in NYC because we welcomed the second incarnation of Solace New York, one of JETSWEAT’s first studio partners! 

A comeback for JETSWEAT’S boutique fitness studios was always inevitable for the post COVID-19 world. In recognition of this, several individuals including longtime Solace New York Coach Hayden-William Courtland, revived Solace New York in its original location (38 E 32nd St, New York, NY 10016) while adapting to the new ways fitness adapts into the new post COVID-19 New York lifestyle.

Solace New York members can now train on their own or with friends anytime. With around-the-clock keycard access to the facility, members can begin their workouts at times that are most convenient to their schedule and lifestyle. They can also follow their own programming, the programming of their private coach, or programming Solace New York offers daily on its in-house whiteboard, which has granted members more personalization and pairing with other types of activity.

At the EBOOST Fit Pros event last week, three different Fit Pros each led a unique EMOM and AMRAP triplet for the entire group, which resulted in a very energizing and entertaining sweat sesh for the group. After the class, as everyone enjoyed some post-workout EBOOST recovery drinks, we had the opportunity to sit down with some of the EBOOST Fit Pros, who led the exercises, and learned more about their morning fitness routines.

Erin: What's your advice on... how to overhaul your fitness routine/staying in shape through the holidays or winter/your best morning rituals?

Sarah Gawron: When focusing on a training routine it is important to set realistic expectations.  The holidays can be a busier time of the year for many but make your health and training a priority.  Set a schedule for yourself  you know you can do every week.  Schedule it in your calendar like any other meeting to help yourself stay accountable.  If you are a fan of classes, sign up before the week starts as another way to hold yourself accountable.  

Alan Filauro: My best advice to stay in shape during the holidays is to first make a plan, before the madness of the holidays be sure to understand what you’re doing now for exercise. Get it down on paper and make a schedule. When the madness goes full effect, you will have your fitness at your fingertips. When it comes to morning rituals I preach 16 oz of water before anything then be selfish and get your workout in so you can be the best version of yourself for your friends and family. Also, if you can, the best ingredient to a solid workout plan should be prioritizing sleep. 

Noam Tamir: There are the 4 C's clarity, convenience, coaching and consistency.

It's important to have clarity on what your goal is.  It's a lot easier to stay on a routine when you have the end in sight. Whether it's losing inches or exercising 4 times a week for 30 minutes you should have a clear goal in mind.  

During the winter/ holiday times where time is short and the weather is cold it's all about convenience.  You need to do a workout at a facility that is near your work/home, or in many cases a workout that is in your home.  

Most of us who want to see results need coaching.  Either by a fitness professional, in person or virtually.  We need exercise design, motivation and accountability.  

All of these are what create consistency and that's how we stay on track and reach our goals.  Especially during the holiday and cold months.

Erin: What are your go-to post workout snacks?  

Sarah Gawron: One of my favorite post workout snacks would be a green protein smoothie! Either one that I make for myself or times when I am on the go, I love Fuel for Fire packs.  

Alan Filauro: First thing first is to rehydrate and drink plenty of water. Then I usually go with a high protein smoothie with almond milk, avocado, banana, & blueberries. If no blender then I would go with peanut butter and banana on rice cakes. 

Noam Tamir: Post workout I like to have my BCAA's.  They help me with recovery.  Then I get a full meal in of protein, carbs and fats to replenish my body.  

Erin: Along with EBOOST, how do you stay energized? 

Sarah Gawron: I stay energized by making sure I get 7-8 hours of sleep a night and move my body in some way everyday.  That doesn't mean I am necessarily working out every day.  On my rest days I will go for a walk and stretch and that will energize me.  

Alan Filauro:  I do love my Boost but the key ingredient to my energy is making sure I prioritize my sleep and optimize it daily with magnesium supplements to help the body relax and fully restore. Also, taking a warm bath at night with Bath Salts that include magnesium really help optimize the zzz’s for a fully energized next day.  

Noam Tamir: I stay energized through sleep (7-8 hours),  I have to have my morning coffee and a lot of water throughout the day.  Hydration is so underrated and so important. 

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