11 Brain and Mood Boosting Foods According to a Nutritional Psychiatrist
Fuel Your Body and Feel Your Best
By Ali Fiorella
Most of us are aware of the profound impact that the food we eat has on our health. With a rise in concern for mental health, a recently emerging topic, nutritional psychiatry focuses on using nutrition to optimize brain health. If we eat nutrient rich foods to heal our bodies, shouldn't we be doing the same for our brains?
Nutritional Psychiatrist Dr. Drew Ramsey says, “For me the foundation has to be around food. That’s the basic building blocks that make up your brain and all the emotions, thoughts, feelings, ideas, creativity, and spirituality. All the good stuff comes from your brain.”
Eating to optimize our brain health is an underrated tool that we can use to aid in managing things like anxiety, depression, mood, and cognitive function (along with traditional treatment methods). Studies have shown how specific nutrients have been linked to neuroplasticity, improved mood, decreased risk and symptoms of depression, anxiety, and Alzheimer’s, as well as improved focus and cognitive function. This topic really makes me so excited, because it challenges what most people think- that genetics define our future, or that there is only a singular traditional route for treatment. It proves that food needs to become a part of how we treat and prevent disease, illness & disorder- not just of the body, but of the mind as well. Our food and lifestyle choices directly affect our overall well-being, so if we can empower ourselves to make well informed choices we can transform our health and our lives!
Even if you aren’t struggling with mental health, you can still eat for better brain health… We have long lives to live and our future will be way better with a healthy, growing, and resilient brain!
So now you’re probably wondering ‘how can I incorporate more brain and mood boosting foods into my diet? What are the types of foods I should be eating?’.
Really it’s about making a few simple shifts and maybe trying some new foods. A great place to start is by reducing intake of processed foods and adding in more real whole foods. A diet heavy in processed foods, refined sugar and carbs, and unhealthy fats will leave our overall health in poor condition, energy deprived, cause inflammation, and ultimately lead to chronic health conditions and disease. Introducing a variety of fruits, veggies, nuts, seeds, healthy fats, and quality protein sources, will give your body and your mind the nutrients it needs to function optimally.
Here are some of my favorite brain and mood boosting foods that can be easily incorporated into your diet!
Dark chocolate- My absolute favorite, no need to explain why! Studies show that adults that eat dark chocolate have reduced risk of depression symptoms and even improved memory function…. And not just because it tastes good! We can thank the flavanols and minerals like magnesium, zinc, and iron it contains. Opt for 70% dark chocolate or higher. You’ll get the same benefits from cacao products like powder and nibs.
Nuts and seeds provide a boost of brain derived neurotrophic factor, which is like fertilizer and protector for your brain, helping it grow, stay healthy, and agile. They make a great go to healthy snack to keep the mind running smoothly.
Walnuts- These are a power player in brain health, and coincidentally they sort of look like brains! Walnuts are an amazing source of omega-3’s and many essential micronutrients. They have been shown to improve learning skills, memory, and reduce anxiety in adults!
Pepitas- The hero seed of brain health! These are a great source of a variety of brain healthy nutrients like iron and magnesium that can help to improve mood and promote sleep, due to their role in nervous system function and serotonin production. Zinc also shows up in this food, which promotes immune function to help fight infection and inflammation.
Kale- Leafy greens have a high nutrient density and are key to getting our body the nourishment it needs. This superfood is certainly one to note, with it’s extremely high level of vitamins, and minerals that play a major role in brain health. Along with Vitamins A & C, Vitamin K is at the top of the charts for this food, an antioxidant known to protect fat, promoting the health of our brain cells.
Wild Salmon- An excellent brain food with a wide variety of key nutrients like B6, B12, selenium, iron, and zinc. And not to be forgotten an amazing source of omega-3’s which aid in promoting neuroplasticity and fighting inflammation in the brain. The long chain fatty acids found in salmon are the more complex kind, which cannot be found in plant-based sources.
Colorful fruits and veggies contain extremely valuable phytonutrients, which are responsible for the rich rainbow colors you see. These various types of phytonutrients contain antioxidants, which fight inflammation, as well as serving other unique functions helping to keep our bodies and brains growing, protected, and strong. It’s important to get a variety of colors in your diet so your body gets a variety of different nutrients in return. Fruits and veggies are also a great source of fiber which is key to maintaining a healthy gut microbiome. People often call the gut the second brain for good reason- studies have shown that there is a direct correlation between our guts and mental health via the gut-brain axis.
Blueberries- The anthocyanins found in these blue beauties not only have extraordinary anti-inflammatory properties, but they also help to produce a neuroprotective molecule that can promote sleep, boost mood, and improve brain fog. It does so by sending a signal to the brain through the microbiome, which is a great example of the direct connection between the gut and the brain.
Red Bell peppers - Also a powerful anti-inflammatory brain food in a rich hue! Loaded with Vitamin C, which promotes cell health and neural signaling and has been linked to managing depressive symptoms and reducing anxiety. Vitamin B6 and folate are other key brain boosting nutrients known to regulate mood.
Avocado- This plant food is high in healthy fats, specifically monounsaturated fats, which are good for many things, but also will aid in the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins and antioxidants. Meaning these fats will boost the effects of other important nutrients! They are also loaded with potassium, which plays an important role in the nervous system and can reduce risk of depression. Vitamin E is also present in this food, which has been shown to slow cognitive decline.
Eggs - Opt for grass fed and don’t skip out on the yolk as it’s the most nutrient dense part! Eggs are not only a high quality source of protein, but also rich in B vitamins, choline and other brain essential nutrients. Choline has been linked to lower rates of anxiety symptoms, while vitamin B12 can help fight brain shrinkage and regulate mood.
This is just a taste of some brain healthy foods, there’s so much to explore and certainly don’t limit yourself to these if they aren’t foods you love! If you’re interested in learning more about this topic, I highly recommend reading “Eat to Beat Depression & Anxiety by Dr. Drew Ramsey, a pioneer in the world of nutritional psychiatry.
As a holistic health and wellness coach there are many topics that I feel called to share with others, and this is one of them! Interested in health coaching?! Click the link below to set up a free consultation!
Here are some of my go to recipes that are loaded up with brain boosting nutrients! Equally delicious as they are nutritious, because enjoying the food that we eat is important too!