Let’s Talk About PCOS.

Hormonal Awareness

BY: Donicia Cook

An important aspect of health that is often overlooked is hormonal health, especially in women. A hormonal disorder that plagues thousands of women a year known as PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome) can often be the underlying reason for struggling with fitness. This syndrome often catches women who are diagnosed off-guard because it is not frequently talked about. Spreading awareness about PCOS can not only help women struggling find the help they need sooner, but it can also help normalize more conversations in regards to hormonal health. Here’s some quick Q&A’s about PCOS.

What exactly is PCOS?

PCOS can be defined as a hormonal disorder mainly affecting women of reproductive ages. It often causes (though not always) multiple small cysts to form in the ovaries, which can cause a multitude of problems. Some symptoms to watch out for include irregular periods, excess androgen, weight gain, body hair growth, dark skin patches, infertility, and more depending on the person. 

What Causes PCOS?

The exact causation of PCOS is still a mystery, but doctors believe excess insulin, excess androgen, inflammation, and genetics can play a role in the development of PCOS. It is said that an unhealthy lifestyle can exacerbate the development of PCOS as well. It can be one of these isolating incidents, or a combination, that can cause PCOS to develop.

How is PCOS Diagnosed?

PCOS is typically diagnosed at the OBGYN via ultrasound or blood tests. It often goes undiagnosed because symptoms can be so varying that doctors often overlook the possibility if there are no blatant symptoms. This is why awareness and knowing your body is key in catching PCOS early.

What Can Be Done?

As of now, there is no known cure for PCOS, but there are ways to alleviate symptoms, such as birth control to get hormones under control, insulin medication in order to combat insulin resistance, and lifestyle changes to support hormones and overall health. Living with PCOS can be a struggle, especially in the beginning, but talking with a healthcare provider about treatment options and incorporating a healthier lifestyle may yield beneficial results.

Lifestyle Changes for managing PCOS

Some recommended exercises for PCOS include HIIT, swimming , dancing, yoga, and aerobics. It is also recommended to stay away from inflammatory foods such as gluten, fried foods, processed dairy, refined sugars, and fast foods. Some foods to incorporate into your diet include high fiber foods, fatty fish, leafy greens, and legumes. Incorporating nutritious foods and consistent exercise can help combat inflammation and nurture your body so that PCOS symptoms can be manageable. 

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