How to Become a Morning Person

Steps to Take to Make You More Excited to Get out of Bed

BY: Donicia Cook

There’s nothing worse than hearing that alarm blaring in the morning, signaling your worst fear— it’s time to get up. The thought of having to drag yourself out of bed can be a bit daunting at times. It can feel like an eternity before taking that first sip of coffee to start the day. It doesn’t have to be this way, though. Here are some tips on how to spring out of bed, ready to take on the world.

1. Go to Sleep

Yup. It’s time to stop binging your favorite Netflix shows past midnight and call it a night. Going to bed at a reasonable time will help you feel a lot more energized in the morning. You know what they say— “Early to bed and early to rise makes you healthy, wealthy, and wise.”

2. Stop Scrolling

Lots of screen time before sleeping can make you a restless sleeper, making it impossible to have a good and productive morning. Blue light at night throws off your body’s circadian rhythm, making it harder to fall asleep. Twitter will be there in the morning; it’s time to rest.

3. Create a more relaxing night routine

When it’s time to start winding down, establishing calming habits before bed can help you go to bed earlier and sleep better so that your mornings are less dreadful. Try lowering the lights, reading a calming book, drinking some chamomile tea, and some faint rain sounds in the background. 

4. Create a morning routine to look forward to

Having something worth getting out of bed for can make your mornings more pleasant overall. Try incorporating some self care such as a face mask or a hair treatment in the shower. You can also try pre-preparing food at night so that making breakfast doesn’t get overwhelming.

5. Get active- Mentally and physically 

Try some sunrise yoga in the morning to start your day off relaxed and aligned. Meditation in the morning also helps to start the day fresh and clear. Journaling first thing in the morning is also a great habit to start as a relaxing morning ritual as well. These also give you something to look forward to in the mornings and improve your entire day.

We get it— mornings can be kinda painful, but that doesn’t mean they always have to be. Something as simple as changing your perspective or outlook on waking up can make all the difference. Intention is everything. Preparing your nights with the intention of resting well so you can wake up as your best self can shift your perspective for the better. 

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